Vimm's Lair: NES Reviews - Action 52

Action 52

Votes: 61
Reviews: 2

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Reviewer: Ratty524 Date: May 2, 2009
Ever wonder what it's like to go to hell? What if there was a special kind of hell, meant for the gamers? This hell would be where the only games you can play are 52 buggy, lame, and overall crappy NES games? That would simply suck.

Playing Action 52 is like going through hell, where you are punched hard in the face about 52 times.

Graphics: 3
The graphics commonly seen in this compilation would be passable if it were released in about 1983, but no, this was released in 1991. Heck, even the first Megaman game, which was made earlier, looks better than this.
While some levels look more organized in this compilation of games, some just look like an absolute mess. Some of he sprites in this game have f-ed up frames, as well.

Sound: 2
The music ranges from passable to obnoxious to non-existent, but what really gets to me are the sound effects. For the platform games, like Cheetahmen, the jumping sounds like as if you are pulling on a piece of string. Others make some weird music effect as you jump and some lame sound for deaths. You might be better off playing these games with your speakers turned off.

Gameplay: 2
The quality of the gameplay ranges from:
1. Lame/boring
2. Frustratingly hard
3. Completely unplayable/buggy

The games that Action 52 contains are pretty much generic side-scrolling and horizontal scrolling shooters and platformers. Now this game wouldn't be as complete of a failure as it is if these generic games ACTUALLY WORKED. The controls on the platformers are anal and barely react to your button input. The shooters are simply pathetic, where in some of them you only fire one shot at a time. Heck, in one of the games, titled "Star Evil", you begin the levels close to a wall. If you don't hold right or left before the level starts, you would run into the block/wall and lose a life VERY quickly. What were the developers thinking!?

Overall: 1
Sure a 1 would not add up with the other ratings, but this game deserves to be buried in a hole alongside E.T. The only games that are at least halfway decent on this compilation are Cheetah Men and Silver Sword. Now just don't confuse "halfway decent" with "good", pretty much all of the games suck.

Unless you want an educational experience, or you are trying to piss off your friends, my best advice is to stay as far away from this as possible. It is 52 games of mind-numbing suckage.


Reviewer: Luke Date: Feb 25, 2007
Listen well, and let it be known... This game is not worth the plastic part of the cartridge. If you see it for $1 somewhere, you are being ripped off. The NES had limited resources to begin with, let alone the sheer absurdity of dividing them up 52 times....followed by the shameless audacity of the company to charge $199 retail initially...arguing "less than $4 per game."

Graphics: 1
Nintendo was the age where the drawings in the instruction booklet looked better than the graphics on the screen... Understandable when you're dealing with 8-bit, but this game is not. I think the pixels were 1cmx1cm or something. I could make better sprites finger painting blind with chewing tobacco and pig vomit. The lack of effort is evident while the artists in all areas just tried to pump out 52 random formations in time to get this steaming pile of on the shelves.

Sound: 1
I think out of all the 1 out of 10s, this is the most exemplary example of that 1. I could write better music playing the piano deaf with no thumbs and severe brain damage, which could only be induced by listening to this game's "music," which I don't even think is an accurate description of the noise coming from this thing, even in the most open and loose interpretation.

Gameplay: 1
Putting aside that this $199 gem is riddled with glitches, some of the games not even finished, or finishable, you get a sense that you're trying to play the game blind and deaf with no thumbs and sitting in a vat of pig vomit. Trying to tap the B button multiple times mid-jump in order to determine how far left or right to jump, trying to fire something and getting about 1/10 the projectiles in comparison to the number of times you pushed the button...I could go on...

Overall: 1
Games have been bad before, but this one gives me the desire to actually meet the person in charge of this money-making marketing stink bomb, swear at them at the top of my lungs, do severe bodily harm to them...then possibly myself, beat them severely with a giant, wet yellow-fin tuna, and feed their remains to a colony of recluse spiders...if I were in a good mood at the time. Please run screaming away from this game and towards anyone you see about to play it.

This is an analogy to the universe...and why it will collapse instead of prosper. This is a monument and microcosm to all those who have said "people suck." This is the justification behind all suicide notes. This is the epitome of agony, anger and shame. Oh...this is...