Dai Senryaku  T-1.0-6.0
Dan's Dodgeball  T-1.0-7.0
Dan's Dodgeball 2  T-1.0-7.0
Dance Aerobics1.0-3.3
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat1.0-8.3
Dark Lord  T-1.0-10.0
Darkwing Duck  Read the manual1.0-8.9
Darkwing Duck (The Disney Afternoon Collection) (Switch)1.0-none
Dash Galaxy in the Alien Asylum  Read the manual1.0-6.4
Data East All-Star Collection (Retro-Bit)1.0-none
David Crane's A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia1.0-8.1
David Crane's A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia (Limited Run Games)1.0-none
Day Dreamin' Davey1.0-4.9
Days of Thunder  Read the manual1.0-7.4
Deadly Towers1.0-2.8
Deep Dungeon IV - The Black Sorcerer  T-1.0-6.3
Defender II  Read the manual1.0-8.1
Defender of the Crown  Read the manual1.0-7.6
Defenders of Dynatron City1.0-5.8
Deja Vu  Read the manual1.0-8.3
Demon Sword  Read the manual1.0-6.8
Desert Commander  Read the manual1.0-8.4
Destination Earthstar  Read the manual1.0-6.8
Destiny of an Emperor1.0-9.2
Destiny of an Emperor II: The Story of Zhuge Liang  T-1.0-8.9
Devilman  T-1.0-8.2
Dezaemon  T-1.0-6.8
Dick Tracy1.0-7.1
Die Hard1.0-7.1
Dig Dug (Namcot Collection, Namco Museum Archives Vol 1)1.0-10.0
Dig Dug II (Namco Museum Archives Vol 2)1.0-10.0
Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise1.0-9.0
Digger T. Rock: The Legend of the Lost City1.0-6.3
Dirty Harry  Read the manual1.0-6.2
Doki! Doki! Amusement Park  T-1.0-8.7
Donkey Kong  Read the manual1.1-8.9
Donkey Kong 3  Read the manual1.0-8.7
Donkey Kong Classics  Read the manual1.0-8.9
Donkey Kong Jr.  Read the manual1.1-7.6
Donkey Kong Jr. Math1.0-6.5
Doraemon  T-1.0-5.3
Doraemon: The Revenge of Giga Zombie  T-1.0-6.1
Double Dare1.0-6.7
Double Dragon  Read the manual1.0-8.9
Double Dragon II: The Revenge  Read the manual1.1-9.0
Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones  Read the manual1.0-7.0
Double Dribble  Read the manual1.1-9.1
Dr. Chaos1.0-4.8
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde1.0-8.5
Dr. Mario  Read the manual1.1en8.8
Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Plan to Eliminate the Saiyans  T-1.0-10.0
Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Plan to Eliminate the Saiyans  T-1.0-7.5
Dragon Ball Z III: Killer Androids  T-1.0-6.3
Dragon Ball Z: Assault of the Saiyans  T-1.0-8.9
Dragon Ball: Dragon Mystery  T-1.0-7.3
Dragon Buster (Namcot Collection, Namco Museum Archives Vol 1)1.0-10.0
Dragon Buster II: Seal of Darkness  T-1.0-10.0
Dragon Buster II: Yami no Fuuin (Namco Museum Archives Vol 2)1.0-10.0
Dragon Fighter1.0-7.6
Dragon Power1.0-5.7
Dragon Scroll: Resurrection of the Demon Dragon  T-1.0-10.0
Dragon Slayer Jr.: Romancia  T-1.0-10.0
Dragon Spirit: The New Legend1.0-8.5
Dragon Spirit: The New Legend (Namco Museum Archives Vol 1)1.0-10.0
Dragon Warrior  Read the manual1.1-8.7
Dragon Warrior II  Read the manual1.0-8.9
Dragon Warrior III  Read the manual1.0-9.0
Dragon Warrior IV1.0-8.8
Dragon's Lair1.0-3.7
Dream Penguin Adventure: The Quest for Penko's Heart  T-1.0-7.7
Dreamworld Pogie (2016) (Kickstarter)1.0-none
Dreamworld Pogie (Kickstarter, Evercade)2017-02-03-none
Druaga no Tou (Namcot Collection, Namco Museum Archives Vol 1)1.0-none
Duck Hunt  Read the manual1.0-8.9
DuckTales  Read the manual1.0-9.1
DuckTales (The Disney Afternoon Collection) (Switch)1.0-none
DuckTales 21.0-9.2
DuckTales 2 (The Disney Afternoon Collection)1.0-none
Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements1.0-6.6
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball1.0-9.0
Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus  Read the manual1.0-6.6

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only