R.B.I. Baseball1.00-8.3
R.C. Pro-Am  Read the manual1.10-8.9
R.C. Pro-Am II1.00-8.9
Racket Attack  Read the manual1.00-8.9
Rad Racer  Read the manual1.00-5.2
Rad Racer II1.00-3.0
Raging Fire: Recca  T-1.00tr7.4
Raid on Bungeling Bay  Read the manual1.00-4.7
Rainbow Islands1.00-8.9
Rainbow Silkroad  T-1.00tr7.3
Rally Bike  Read the manual1.00-7.3
Rampage  Read the manual1.00-8.8
Rampart (Jaleco)  Read the manual1.00-8.5
Remote Control1.00-5.7
Ren & Stimpy Show, The: Buckeroo$!1.00-9.1
Renegade  Read the manual1.00-7.1
Renegade (Virtual Console)1.00-none
Rescue: The Embassy Mission  Read the manual1.00-7.4
Riki Kunio  T-1.00tr8.6
Ring King  Read the manual1.00-8.9
River City Ransom  Read the manual1.00-9.0
RoadBlasters  Read the manual1.00-8.9
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves  Read the manual1.10-9.0
Robo Warrior1.00-7.3
RoboCop  Read the manual1.00-7.7
RoboCop 21.10-8.6
RoboCop 3  Read the manual1.00-7.2
Rock 'n' Ball1.00-6.2
Rocket Ranger  Read the manual1.00-4.3
Rocketeer, The1.00-6.0
Rockin' Kats1.00-8.5
Rockman 2: Dr. Wily's Riddle  T-1.00tr8.6
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball  Read the manual1.10-7.3
Rollerblade Racer1.00-5.0
Rolling Thunder (Namcot Collection, Namco Museum Archives Vol 2)1.00-none
Romance of the Three Kingdoms  Read the manual1.00-7.6
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II1.00-6.1
Roundball: 2-on-2 Challenge1.00-6.3
Rush'n Attack1.00-7.7
Rygar  Read the manual1.10-8.9

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only