Region | ||
Players | 1 | |
Year | 1992 | |
Cart size | 512 KB | |
Publisher | Enix | |
Serial # | NES-D4-USA | |
Graphics | 8.42 | |
Sound | 8.49 | |
Gameplay | 8.91 | |
Overall | 8.84 (57 votes) | |
CRC | af12cb81More... | |
Verified | 2024-12-12 | |
Version |
1.00 |
Download unavailable at the request of the Entertainment Software Association |
ATVATGSL | Take no damage from monsters and lose no MP--all party members. Don't combine any of the "start with items" codes |
The rest of the codes must be entered before you start the chapter. | |
Chapter 1 Codes | |
POSOAPZU | Start with 25 gold |
GVSOAPZL | Start with 100 gold |
NNSOAPZU | Start with 255 gold |
AIXOZAYS | Start with lots 'o gold |
YEEXYXLO | Start with 15 hit points |
GVEXYXLP | Start with 100 hit points |
NNEXYXLO | Start with 255 hit points |
LNKPLONY | Start with final key |
TEKPLONN | Start with metal babble sword |
LOKPLONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
PEKPLONN | Start with thorn whip |
AKKPLONY | Start with shield of strength |
LKKPLONY | Start with dragon shield |
LNKPLONY + GEKPGONY | Start with final key and chain sickle |
TEKPLONN + LEKPGONN | Start with metal babble sword and boomerang |
LOKPLONY + PSKPGONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEKPLONN + ZOKPGONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKKPLONY + ASKPGONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite armband |
LKKPLONY + IEKPGONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Chapter 2 Codes | |
ZUSOPPGT | Start with 50 gold |
NNSOPPGV | Start with 255 gold |
AIXOZAYS | Start with lots of gold |
Codes for Alena | |
GVOZAZAP | Start with 100 hit points |
NNOZAZAO | Start with 255 hit points |
LNKOZONY | Start with final key |
ZOKOZONN | Start with fire claw |
LOKOZONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
PEKOZONN | Start with thorn whip |
LEKOLONN | Start with boomerang |
LNKOZONY + ZOKOLONN | Start with final key and fire claw |
LOKOZONY + PSKOLONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEKOZONN + ZOKOLONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKKOZONY + ASKOLONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band |
LKKOZONY + IEKOLONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Item Codes for Brey | |
LNUPLONY | Start with final key |
TOUPLONN | Start with magma staff |
LOUPLONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
PEUPLONN | Start with thorn whip |
AKUPLONY | Start with shield of strength |
LKUPLONY | Start with dragon shield |
LEUPGONN | Start with boomerang |
LNUPLONY + TOUPGONN | Start with final key and magma staff |
LOUPLONY + PSUPGONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEUPLONN + ZOUPGONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKUPLONY + ASUPGONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band |
LKUPLONY + IEUPGONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Item Codes for Cristo | |
LNOOLONY | Start with final key |
TEOOLONN | Start with metal babble sword |
LOOOLONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
PEOOLONN | Start with thorn whip |
AKOOLONY | Start with shield of strength |
LKOOLONY | Start with dragon shield |
LNOOLONY + GEOOGONY | Start with final key and chain sickle |
TEOOLONN + LEOOGONN | Start with metal babble sword and boomerang |
LOOOLONY + PSOOGONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEOOLONN + ZOOOGONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKOOLONY + ASOOGONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band |
LKOOLONY + IEOOGONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Chapter 3 Codes | |
AOEXTZGP | Start with 16 hit points |
GVEXTZGP | Start with 100 hit points |
NNEXTZGO | Start with 255 hit points |
GVSOZPAA | Start with 100 gold |
NNSOZPAE | Start with 255 gold |
UNUOLONY | Start with final key |
LEUOLONN | Start with metal babble sword |
TOUOLONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
LEUOLONN | Start with thorn whip |
PKUOLONY | Start with shield of strength |
AKUOLONY | Start with dragon shield |
LNUOLONY + GEUOGONY | Start with final key and chain sickle |
TEUOLONN + LEUOGONN | Start with metal babble sword and boomerang |
LOUOLONY + PSUOGONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEUOLONN + ZOUOGONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKUOLONY + ASUOGONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band |
LKUOLONY + IEUOGONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Chapter 4 Codes | |
Codes for Nara | |
GVEXLZZP | Starts with 100 hit points |
NNEXLZZO | Starts with 255 hit points |
LNXPLONY | Start with final key |
TEXPLONN | Start with metal babble sword |
LOXPLONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
PEXPLONN | Start with thorn whip |
AKXPLONY | Start with shield of strength |
LKXPLONY | Start with dragon shield |
LNXPLONY + GEXPGONY | Start with final key and chain sickle |
TEXPLONN + LEXPGONN | Start with metal babble sword and boomerang |
LOXPLONY + PSXPGONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEXPLONN + ZOXPGONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKXPLONY + ASXPGONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band |
LKXPLONY + IEXPGONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Codes for Mara | |
GVEXGZAP | Starts with 100 hit points |
NNEXGZAO | Starts with 255 hit points |
LNXOPONY | Start with final key |
TOXOPONN | Start with magma staff |
LOXOPONY | Start with multi-edge sword |
PEXOPONN | Start with thorn whip |
AKXOPONY | Start with shield of strength |
LKXOPONY | Start with dragon shield |
LNXOPONY + GEXOZONY | Start with final key and chain sickle |
TEXOPONN + LEXOZONN | Start with metal babble sword and boomerang |
LOXOPONY + PSXOZONN | Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring |
PEXOPONN + ZOXOZONY | Start with thorn whip and demon hammer |
AKXOPONY + ASXOZONY | Start with shield of strength and meteorite arm band |
LKXOPONY + IEXOZONN | Start with dragon shield and iron fan |
Chapter 5 Codes | |
LNOPIONY | Start with final key |
PXOPIONY | Start with zenithian sword |
GKOPIONY | Start with zenithian shield |
YUOPIONY | Start with zenithian armor |
LKOPIONN | Start with zenithian helmet |